Bhindi With Pyaj Recipe


Bhindi with pyaj recipe is most popular recipe in north India. It is mainly prepared to serve in lunch box.
The sliced onion liberal use of curry spices Bhindi with Pyaj recipe makes it one of the best bhindi curries.
Here My Daawat is sharing an easy Bhindi With Pyaj Recipe with you.



2 cups sliced bhindi
1 cups sliced onion
2 tsp cumin seeds
1 pinch of asafoetida
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
2 tsp ginger paste
1 chopped green chilli
1/2 cup thick curd
2 tbsp oil
Required salt to taste

How to cook Bhindi with Pyaj Recipe

1. Take oil in a pan and heat them, add the cumin seeds and asafoetida.
2. When it crackle then Add the onions, turmeric powder, ginger paste and green chillies and cook till the onions are tender.
3. After that add the bhindi and salt and cook over a medium flame till it completely cooked.
4. Add the whisked curds and cook till the curds dry out.
5. Serve delicious hot Bhindi with pyaj with roti/paratha.


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